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* = easy **.=.medium ***.=.hard
Specific Actors   
A Man Called Harrison Harrison Ford *
Big Bad Bruce Willis Bruce Willis *
Boyish Brad Pitt Brad Pitt *
The Cagey Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage *
Cruise Control Tom Cruise **
East of the Woods Clint Eastwood **
Ed D Mir Fee Eddie Murphy *
Friends The cast of "Friends" in movies **
George the Cloonster George Clooney **
How Arnie Got His Groove Back Arnold Schwarzenegger **
Johnny Travolta John Travolta *
Jolie vs. Judd Angelina Jolie vs. Ashley Judd *
Jumpin' Jimminy Carrey Jim Carrey *
Kurt Russell Kurt Russell *
Le Jackson de Samuel Samuel L. Jackson **
M'Adam Sandler Adam Sandler *
Magical Mikey Myers Mike Myers *
Mellow Gibson Mel Gibson *
Ornery Sean Connery Sean Connery ***
Our Pal Al (Pacino) Al Pacino *
Quote Me On That Match the quotes to the actors ***
Revenge of 'Who the Hell Do You Think You...' Various actors / actresses (very hard) ***
Show Me De Niro Robert DeNiro *
Studly Sylvester Stallone Sylvester Stallone *
Wee Willy Smith Will Smith ***
Who the Hell Are You? Part III Various actors / actresses (hard) ***
Who the Hell Do You Think You Are? Various actors / actresses *
Whoa Keanu Reeves **