His boyish charm and good looks have made Brad Pitt a favorite among movie fans. Try to answer the following trivia questions associated with Brad Pitt and his movies.
Difficulty Level: EASY
1) What was the first name of the girl that Benjamin Button adored?
2) Which baseball team did Billy Beane manage in Money Ball?
3) Pitt starred with Edward Norton in which of the following movies?
4) Which movie is this crazy Brad Pitt photo from?
5) In Se7en the killer places the following in a box?
6) Which is the first name of the serial killer that Brad Pitt plays in Kalifornia?
7) The occupation of Paul Maclean's father in A River Runs Through It.
8) The following Brad Pitt photo is from which of the following movies?
9) Captain Mike had this tattooed on his chest in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
10) In which of the following movies did Brad Pitt's character work for The United Nations?
11) In which of the following movies does Brad Pitt star with Harrison Ford?
12) In which Brad Pitt movie does time almost travel in reverse for his character?
13) Which of the following are deadly sins from the movie Se7en?
14) Which of the following actresses has Brad Pitt not been romantically linked to?