Iron Man 2
Difficulty Level: MEDIUM
1) What element inside his armor suit is killing Tony Stark?
2) Whom does Tony assign as CEO of Stark Industries?
3) Which actress plays Tony Stark's new personnel assistant, Natalie Rushman?
4) What car company CEO does Tony Stark meet at the Monaco 500?
5) Whom attacks Tony Stark at the Monaco 500?
6) Whom helps Ivan Vanko break out of prison in Iron Man 2?
7) Vanko's father Anton Vanko was co founder of what company?
8) Whom played the character Senator Stern in Iron Man 2?
9) Whom was humiliated in front of the Senate Armed Forces Committee?
10) Which suit does Colonel James Rhodes take from Stark and give to the military?
11) Which actor plays Justin Hammer in Iron Man 2?
12) Whom drives a car into Ivan Vanko?
13) Whom does Tony Stark box with?
14) Whom has his eye on Tony Stark?
15) Whom is Tony Starks personal bodyguard?
16) Whose father dies in Iron Man 2?
17) Whom directed Iron Man 2?