Silver Linings Playbook
Difficulty Level: MEDIUM
1) Whom is Pat's friend from the Mental Institution in Maryland?
2) What author's book does Pat read to impress his wife?
3) Which song disturbs Pat in Silver Linings Playbook?
4) Whom does Pat find in their shower with his wife?
5) Whom does Pat try to impress by losing weight?
6) Whose idea is it to invite Pat to dinner in Silver Linings Playbook?
7) Whose football jersey does Pat wear to dinner?
8) Whom walks Tiffany home from dinner in Silver Linings Playbook?
9) What mental illness does Pat suffer from in Silver Linings Playbook?
10) What average score do Tiffany and Pat earn in the dance competition?
11) Which actor plays Pat Solitano in Silver Linings Playbook?
12) What does Pat wear while running to make himself sweat?
13) What does Pat order for dinner with Tiffany at the diner?
14) Whom offers to deliver a letter to Nikki for Pat?
15) Which football team does Pat Sr. root for in Silver Linings Playbook?
16) Which actor plays Pat's friend Danny in Silver Linings Playbook?
17) Whom filed a restraining order against Pat in Silver Linings Playbook?
18) Whom gives Tiffany and Pat dance tips?
19) Which book does Tiffany give a synopsis of to Pat?
20) On what day did Tiffany and Pat have dinner together at the diner?
21) Whom writes Nikki's letter in Silver Linings Playbook?
22) Why was Tiffany fired from her job?
23) What does Pat do for Tiffany?
24) Whom really loves Pat in Silver Linings Playbook?
25) Whom says more inappropriate than appropriate things at dinner?
26) Whom does Pat live with?
27) Tiffany becomes upset when she sees whom at the dance competition?
28) Whom does not like football in Silver Linings Playbook?
29) Whom is banned from the football stadium in Silver Linings Playbook?
30) What subject did Pat teach as a substitute teacher?
31) What does Pat have trouble finding in his parent's home?
32) What is Pat's motto in Silver Linings Playbook?
33) Whom is feeling alot of pressure in their life?
34) Whom took Pat Sr's envelope from his study?
35) Whom is related to Veronica?
36) Whom was Tiffany's husband?
37) Whom suffers from OCD?
38) What did Tiffany order for dinner at the diner?
39) Who shows up at Tiffanys parent's house at the same time at Pat?
40) Whom sleeps in the garage behind their parents house?
41) Which actor plays Pat Solatano Sr?
42) Which person hates football in Silver Linings Playbook?
43) At what time does Pat pick up Tiffany for their first date?
44) Whom does Tiffany talk to at the bar at the dance competition?
45) What name does Tiffanys dad refer to Pat as?
46) Which day is Pats favorite day?
47) Whom doesn't have an iPod?
48) Pat gets in trouble fighting at a football game between which two teams?
49) Which of the following characters lost their job in Silver Linings Playbook?
50) You should never throw a marriage out the _______?
51) If it's me reading the ____?
52) Crabby snacks and ___________?